Mushroom Cultivation & Love

Fan Favorites

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    Fresh Mushroom Boxes

    Get a variety pack of the freshest exotic mushrooms in Baltimore by delivery Monday & Fridays starting NOW!

  • Pink Oyster Grow Bags

    Gorgeous pick when fresh, golden tan when cooked. Light & Delicious. Not found in stores due to short shelf life. Easy to grow from home in warmer temperatures as well.

  • Blue Oyster Grow Bags

    Light gray when mature. Very easy to grow. Great for beginners. Loves cooler temperatures.

  • Shiitake Grow Bags

    Delicious with so many health benifits. Take any dish up a level with this flavor. Love to grow in cooler temperatures with high humidity.

  • Lion's Mane Grow Bag

    Vegan Crabmeat

    See the Educational Videos for recipe suggestions.

  • Reishi Antler Grow Bags

    Asian Traditional Medicine as a natural supplement. Tincture, Coffee, Teas.

Get lost in the woods to find yourself.

It all began with a source of stress relief. Hiking provides such peace in a world of chaos. The forest is a fruitful force of life that so generously provides sustenance to so many organisms. My mushroom eyes began to develop to never stop searching. Mycology is my passion. Science is my trade. Over the last 4 years growing mushrooms has been a process that has grown into a love of all things Fungi. I welcome you to enjoy my collection of creations and specialty items. Thank you for your interest in exploring all things mushrooms.

The Journal

How to Grow Mushrooms

Shiitake, Oyster, Reishi, King Mushroom, Lions Mane have particular growth environments. Take a look at all the resources for a successful harvest.

What can I make with my Harvest?

Mushrooms are commonly known as side dishes and additives for sauce. However, did you know that all the delicious recipes for meat and seafood substitutions is where the mushroom steals show?! Here are a few of my favorites.

Give the Gift of Growth

Grow Blocks will fruit mushrooms as many times as you can keep them happy. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving. We will also be launching our fresh mushroom subscription in January.